Nov. 18, 2024Welcome: Daniel Amponsah, MDDr. Daniel Amponsah joins the HSR-DCC Lab as a Lab Cardiology Fellow. He will explore how accurately final hospital International Classification of Diseases (ICD) diagnoses reflect the final diagnostic outcome for the collective spectrum of Acute Coronary Syndrome (ACS) and targeted clinical subtype of ACS for this screening to treatment pathway.
Oct. 21, 2024Dr. Greg Muller presents on the Association of EMS Transport with Mortality in Gunshot Trauma at SAEM 2024Dr. Greg Muller presents on the Association of EMS Transport with Mortality in Gunshot Trauma at the Society for Academic Emergency Medicine (SAEM) 2024 Conference in Phoenix, Arizona.
Oct. 21, 2024Dr. Jae-yeon Jamie Lee presents on the Sustainable Value of VVT in ED at SAEM 2024Dr. Jae-yeon Jamie Lee presents Sustainable Value of Virtual Visit Track in Emergency Department: Comparison with the Traditional Visit Pathway at the Society for Academic Emergency Medicine (SAEM) 2024 Conference in Phoenix, Arizona.
Oct. 21, 2024Dr. Shashank Ravi presents on Vulnerable Targets for D2ECG Process Improvement at SAEM 2024Dr. Shashank Ravi presents Vulnerable Targets for Door-to-Electrocardiogram Process Improvement: Exploring Subintervals of Care to Improve Quality at the Society for Academic Emergency Medicine (SAEM) 2024 Conference.
Oct. 21, 2024Dr. Gabrielle Bunney presenting at SAEM 2024Gabrielle Bunney, MD, MBA, MS Candidate Biomedical Data Sciences presents on In Vitro to In Vivo Translation of AI for Clinical Use: Screening for Acute Coronary Syndrome to Identify STEMI at the Society for Academic Emergency Medicine (SAEM) 2024 Conference in Phoenix, Arizona.
Sep. 23, 2024International Hospital Federation Conference: Stanford Virtual Visit ProgramDr. Jamie Lee, representing the Stanford ED Clinical Operations Team along with Meagan Moyer of the Stanford Healthcare Digital Health Team, present research results for the Stanford Emergency Department’s Virtual Visit Track Program at the International Hospital Federation conference in Rio de Janiero as an example of digital health transformation program in healthcare.
Jul. 26, 2024Stanford VVT Program: International Hospital FederationResearch results for the Stanford Emergency Department’s Virtual Visit Track Program is selected for presentation at the International Hospital Federation conference in Rio de Janiero as an example of digital health transformation program in healthcare. Dr. Jamie Lee will be representing the Stanford ED Clinical Operations Team along with (left to right) Meagan Moyer of the Stanford Healthcare Digital Health